Why I want to start blogging

It's been so long since I thought about blogging, but I keep making lame excuses. I'm always tired and busy at work. I have other things to prioritize. I'm not good at writing. I don't have anything interesting to share, and no one will read my post anyway, so why bother?

And then it hit me after asking myself this question: What is my WHY? Why do I want to start blogging?

It began when I mentored someone from work. I realized that I love teaching and it's even more fulfilling when I see someone improve and they appreciate me because I helped them somehow.


I also read a book called "Show You Work" by Austin Kleon. It's for people who hate the idea of self-promotion and encourages them to put themselves out in the world. I learned that I don't need to be a genius to start blogging and that I must focus on the process than the product.

Since I like sharing what I know, blogging will help me reach out to many people who find the same interests as mine. It will also be my way of giving back to the developer community, especially those just starting their software development careers.

I also love learning new things and I believe in the practice of learning by sharing. When teaching, I'm very conscious about sharing correct information so I also dedicate a lot of time to studying a topic.

So, it's clear that my audience and I will benefit from this passion project. It's just the beginning, and I hope that I can stick around despite the inevitable challenges.

Stay tuned for my next blog post! :)